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Crescendo Design

The Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Nutrihouse concept was our entry in the C2C-Home Design Competition.  We were told that it was chosen for construction from over 500 entries submitted, and we recently visited the site in Roanoke.

Sarah Susanka, jury member of the competition comments: “Dear Jon and Kandy, I’m so delighted to hear that your house design will be built.  I thought it was a wonderful design and one that “normal” folk–read “non-architects”–will really love.  Congratulations, an send me pictures as it goes up, and keep up the good work.  Your illustrations spoke volumes about where your heart is–at least to me–and people will feel this in your architectural creations as well.  That, to me, is what architecture is really all about.  Warmly, Sarah Susanka, FAIA – Not So Big House

“These young designers have been thrust into the limelight, capturing the attention of the international design community.” The Capital Times – Madison, Wisconsin – 5.12.05 Susan Troller

“I was delighted to see you both do so well in a field of so many competitors. Keep up the good work!” Bob Greenstreet – Dean, UW-Milwaukee, School of Architecture and Urban Planning

“Your design ideas are truly inspiring…Best wishes for continued success.” Bruce Shepard – Chancellor, UW-Green Bay

“Crescendo Design’s ’smart’ house is something to build on.”Sheboygan Press – 5.12.05 Katrina Harrmann

Here are some excerpts from the C2C-Home website:

The Cradle to Cradle “Nutrihouse” designed by architects Jon and Kandy Brouchoud, partners of Crescendo Design in Cleveland, Wisconsin, will also be developed. Also in historic Gainsboro, this lot is on Harrison Avenue near 5th Street and it will feature an integrated approach to living in a home that embraces and celebrates nature. This house design implements innovative water management and conservation techniques.  The Nutrihouse has incorporated several strategies that are intended to bring natural systems to the forefront of the occupant’s experience, some of the expected applications are:

  • Graywater irrigations systems with a self-cleaning filter that captures and pressurizes the water, which is then released through a subsurface irrigation system.
  • Graywater sinks will collect graywater for landscape irrigation
  • Wastewater Gardens that are designed to be on-site wastewater treatment of graywater.
  • A green roof will be on a portion of the finished roof.
  • Composting Toilets, which use no water, chemicals, or septic tanks; but rather rely on the natural processes of composting.
The Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority has donated the property to Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation. Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation will be constructing the house on Harrison Avenue.

1 Comment

  • Comment by Linda Fox — March 30, 2011 @ 11:55 am

    This is so exciting. I have recently become extremely interested in the C2C concept. With the 1st C2C Festival in Berlin now over, I am wondering how we can get others interested in implementing these concepts in our own cities (I’m in Madison, WI). Ideas?

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